Financial Independence Retire Early ⋆ Investing ⋆ Personal Finance
Tired of living paycheck to paycheck? Find out how we achieved Financial Independence Retire Early in 7 years.
The Retirement Bucket Strategy Demystified
7 Levels of Wealth: Path to Financial Freedom
Don’t Be A Rich Jerk: Money and Arrogance
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So why should do-nothing investors invest in low-cost index funds? The answer: it’s probably one of the best investing advice given by one of the greatest investors of our time — Warren Buffett.
Rebalancing is the process of restoring the asset mix in an investment portfolio to its original allocation and risk-return profile. It’s an essential part of ongoing portfolio management as it...
The compulsive consumer believes in immediate gratification. YOLO is his favourite acronym. The austere saver believes in delayed gratification. Frugality is his favourite word. The two do not see...
REITs come in a variety of types and ‘flavours’. If you are new to REITs, it can be a little intimidating at first. But don’t let that put you off. Here's a beginner's guide.
I think the engagement ring is hugely overrated and totally unnecessary. No, I’m not anti-romantic. And by the way, I’m a woman. On Valentine’s Day this year, Mr Wow sent me a link of an...
While it’s tough not to panic and rush for the exit, it’s important to know that recessions also present an opportunity for investors to take advantage of market volatility and position...